MystiScape Creations
Where Reality Bends, Magic Begins
In a magical world where reality and magic intertwine seamlessly, space warps and bends, creating a mesmerizing landscape where the laws of physics have little influence. Here, the fabric of reality is woven from threads of enchantment, where the mundane and the mystical coexist in harmony, inviting exploration and wonder at every turn.
World where reality bends and magic reigns supreme
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The fabric of reality is woven from threads of enchantment, where the mundane and the mystical coexist in harmony, inviting exploration and wonder at every turn.
Looking in, you're likely to feel a sense of fascination and wonder as if you've acquired a piece of magic itself, something that transcends the ordinary and opens doors to new realms of possibility.
Enchanted and thrilled, as if you've stepped into a world where reality bends and magic reigns supreme.
About MystiScape's
MystiScape Creations is a collection created by Neda Licheva. She is a painter, ceramist, stained glass artist and experimenter in various fields of art. She graduated from the art school for applied arts in Troyan and the national art academy in Sofia, majoring in "Ceramics" under Prof. Krasimir Jidrov. There are a number of international participations and art plein airs in Germany, Poland, France, Switzerland, Israel, Bulgaria. He is a member of the critical committee at London Metropolitan University.
Phone: +359 877

All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.
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